
Have you come across tapping? It is a great self-help tool that many use, but few know how it actually works! As a kinesiologist I want to give you the physical explanation to tapping, which actually has nothing to do with woo woo. When we tap on the...

The fear of failure

So last week I wrote about the fear of change. This week I’m going to write about another biggy… – the fear of failure! It is so sad what this fear creates in our lives. It makes us play small and pretend like we’re not important, we...
Is there a monster lurking in your wardrobe…?

Is there a monster lurking in your wardrobe…?

There is an adventure I love so much when it comes to children’s books… the Chronicle of Narnia is one of my favorites! I think that is how we work – during our childhood we create a wardrobe of good and evil in our subconscious, which then keeps running our emotions...