Fairytale Outfits

The Fairy Godmother

Snow white is dead

Cinderella communing with the mice

The Snow Queen


Have you been dreaming of dressing up in amazing outfits that match you and your brand? – Outfits that communicate your inner essence in a clear way, so people understand what you’re all about, just by looking at your picture?


Or maybe you have always dreamed of having your very own, custom made fairytale outfit, to make you feel like a real princess? Then you’re in the right place!


Both smaller and bigger companies spend a lot of time and money on their brand, their logotype, their photos, their website and all sorts of things, but they tend to forget that their clothes tell so much about who they are and what they do and don’t do. Who do you serve? Who is in your tribe? Who do you want to attract? Do they know that they’re part of your tribe when they look at your pictures? Do your outfits do half your job so you don’t have to spend time explaining what it is you do?


I don’t make ordinary clothes. I make extraordinary outfits that make you stand out from the crowd. Outfits that make you shine and glow and that emphasize your brand so you can attract your ideal clients easily and effortlessly.  My outfit is a part of your branding, with a magical, fairytale twist to it. I am the Fairy Godmother who can help your inner essence shine through. By using my strong intuitive gift and my overflowing creativity I create the perfect, exclusive dress for you! You will be the only one in this world who has this dress…


Want to know how we can work together to make this happen? Fill in the form below! Outfits start at $2000.



I would absolutely love to create an outfit made especially for YOU! Just fill in the form and I’ll contact you shortly.

Outfit request

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