Fear of failure

Do you ever struggle with feeling good enough…? So many people think that perfectionism has to do with how organised you or your home are, but that has very little to do with it. Perfectionism is fear of failure and criticism, and is what you develop when you...

The need for external validation

Lack of Self-worth and the need for external validation are connected! When you grow up with parents who don’t know how to give you unconditional love, you will go for the next best thing – attention. And your parents will usually expect you to achieve...

Work is overrated…

If you find it hard to play and feel that you have to work all the time, it’s a sign that your inner child is suffering, and that you were told early on that work was much more important than play. Does it surprise you that play is as important…?...

How to handle burnout

You’re in this loop, where you start doing more and more each day. Its’ almost as you’re looking for more to do, even though your plate is already overflowing and your to-do-list is a mile long. You keep thinking that you could fit one more thing in...