As a kinesiologist and healer I have healed a huge number of people from allergies. The most common ones are of course cats and pollen, but there are many more things you could be allergic to – money for example!

How do I know that? Because of the way we test allergies: we ask if you resent the thing that is bothering you. For example if you think you’re allergic to cats, we’ll muscle test if you resent cats.

Why is that then? The reason why we test positive to resenting the thing we’re allergic to, is that we associate it with a traumatic experience in the past. Of course we’re not aware of this, but our subconscious is.

So if we’re allergic to cats, it means that there was a cat present when somethign upsetting happened to us, and every time we meet a cat, we are reminded of that incident and how upset we were. That’s what is causing us to react to cats (or what ever we are allergic to). 

So it’s not the cat that is hurting us – it’s the memory!

It’s quite easy to delete an allergy, so there’s no need to suffer. Often I can delete an allergy in one session, but for some people it’s required up to four sessions. That’s because there can be so many different incidents involved. We’ll delete them one after the other, and sometimes we have to do it in installments, because your subconscious won’t let it all out at once. That’s because it would be too much for you to handle in one go.

But we always get there in the end. All we need to do is to be patient.

As I said, we can be allergic to lots of different things. We can even be allergic to people! When you resent someone, you’re actually allergic to them. We can heal that too!

The only things that aren’t possible to heal to my knowledge, are gluten and dairy sensitivity. I think that’s because they are not really allergies, but a symptom of something else – for example an infection in the body. So then we need to heal the infection, and then we might be able to handle those foods.

Cat allergy is one of the most common ones, as I mentioned earlier, and often it’s cat lovers who suffer from this one. I’ve healed two young boys from it, and both families were able to get cats after that, and the boys were so happy! 

Even if you’re not planning to get a cat, it’s not good for you to be allergic, because one allergy can often make you allergic to more things. And that of course applies to all allergies. And life is so much easier and more enjoyable without them.